I book a lot of Brand Ambassador and Promotion Models for many different companies, there are some very common mistakes people make that get them overlooked for positions. I have been lucky enough to become an elite Brand Ambassador through the sheer fact that many others have failed miserably, as a result I get 95% of the jobs I apply for.

Applying: 1. Resume. Always include one. Make sure this document is updated with your most recent experience. If you don't have a lot of experience, please include a statement of why you should be hired and what you can bring to a company. 2. Current contact info. About 1 out of 10 resumes I see have incorrect email address or incorrect/ disconnected phone number. 3. Photo. Any shots that are requested but definitely at least a head shot. Ideally you should include a clear and current view of your head and a full body shot that is professional and appropriate. Never send a picture that blocks your face, is provocative or at all sexual. Remember this picture should be a non-photoshopped current picture (within 10 pounds and same or very similar hair color). If you don't want people to hire you based on what you look like, you're in the wrong career, I received an email from someone that said "it shouldn't matter what I look like and so I am not attaching a photo." You don't have to be a super model. Most of the time the pictures are to make sure you're not covered in piercings and tattoos and that you fit your description or for the client to have a reference guide. 4. Attitude. Giving a client attitude and/or demanding something is a huge non starter. If the ad states $15 an hour, don't ask for $25 an hour. 5. Failing to follow instructions. If it states to email and what is necessary, send all the information they ask for. 95% of the companies I work with as well as the event managers I know will throw out your resume if you're application is incomplete. No one wants to have to ask someone for something that they stated they needed in the first place, it is a huge waste of time for a hiring manager to ask for such simple things. Unless the area they are trying to hire in is small or sparsely populated or the people they are looking for are specific, you usually won't hear back regarding missing information. 6. Inquiries. Don't bother a client, EVER! If the thousands of people sent them one email once a week, they would pull out there hair and quit, or better yet, ignore the emails which is exactly what they do. Most people don't have time to deal with questions. Remember hiring managers work for national companies and their companies only make money once an event is completed, so answering trivial questions can take them away from what is really important to their company. 7. Client Inquiries. If a client calls or emails you with a question, you have 1-2 hours to answer them before your possible spot is booked and given away to someone else. Answer as quickly as possible. 8. Beautiful. Just because you're beautiful, thin or whatever else you think you have, doesn't make you the person a client is looking for. 9. Calendar. Don't overbook, if you need help keeping organized used a calendar app or site such as www.cozi.com. 10. Don't wait. A great BA or PM opportunities comes along every 10 seconds, so don't hold your breathe or your calendar for a job you applied for but aren't booked. I run on a first come first serve basis. Until they give me a commitment to book, I do not consider myself hired for the job. 11. Declining. It's okay to say to an event manager, "I'm sorry but I since booked another commitment." Clients respect people who stay true to commitments and communicate. 12. Cancelling. There are very few ways this is acceptable: 1. You are in the hospital. 2. You are dead. Otherwise, sick kids, car accidents, etc are no excuse. Hate to say it but if you put a client in a situation where they have to fill your spot last minute, you may be fined and possibly blacklisted. I am only signed up with 2 out of over 100 companies who do not fine you for canceling. Have a back up and a back up for your backup. Most of these jobs are only a day or two and are part-time, clients won't hesitate to dismiss you for future openings if you can't take one seriously. 13. Do what you say. If you say you'll do it, do it. These jobs can be extremely lucrative if you show you are committed and willing to follow through. 14. Clothing. Pay attention to dress. If a client wants you to have black pants and black shoes and tennis shoes are not allowed, and you don't have all black shoes that aren't tennis shoes, you'll either have to get a pair or don't apply for the position. These things are not usually reimbursed unless otherwise stated. These are often a staple in a BA/PMs closet. 15. Resume. I will write a whole blog post as to what should be in a resume. Keep your work resume and your BA/PM resume separate. A client doesn't want to have to dig to find what they are looking for. A BA/PM resume isn't the same as a professional resume, most event managers and clients don't care about your objective or education unless it's directly related to events. During the Event: 1. Lack of energy. No one wants to do more work because someone is feeling sluggish. If the team lead reports you had a lack of energy, many times you won't be rebooked. 2. Failing to smile. Just make it easier and smile. Learn to look inviting even if you don't feel that way. 3. Being Late. NEVER EVER BE LATE!!!! I blacklist people for being late even if it's one minute. A manager shouldn't have to find you, when they say be somewhere at a certain time, they mean it because you may be holding them up. 4. Failing to show up. Don't bother to apply for another event if you fail to show up to one, this industry is extremely unforgiving and people talk. 5. Phones. Forget you have one unless a client requires pictures. I've had to ask staff to leave an event because I caught them on their phone. 6. Do what you say. If you say you'll do it, do it. This is in here twice for a reason. 7. Time sheet. Did you sign a time sheet or do a check-in/check-out as requested? 8. Dress. Showing up in something inappropriate or in something other than what the client asked you to dress up is very bad. I had a woman show up in shorts and a sports bra because she was a costume character, which is fine while in the costume but not appropriate while entering and exiting the facility and for training. After the Event: 1. Submission. Where you supposed to submit something to the client. If so, do it within 12 hours and preferably within 5 hours after the event. Often times, I do the recap outside of the venue but before I leave, so that way I'm done and onto the next thing. 2. Materials. Where you suppose to return any materials to the client/lead? Make sure this is done. This can hold back your pay. 3. Getting Paid. Most companies pay anywhere from 15-180 days. If you don't know the policy of the company before you get the position, you SHOULD! Email a client only if you haven't seen payment in 45 days. 4. Follow up. It's okay to do an event follow-up with the event manager after the event, remember they aren't on site so they appreciate feedback. Include the following information: event attendance, feedback on other BAs, pictures. Do not speak negatively, be professional about any negative comments you do have to make. Don't expect a reply, remember they are busy. 5. Resume. Update your resume before you send it out again. 6. Negatives. Most companies know each other. Don't say anything negative to anyone about how something is run or should be ran better. If you think you could do it better, create your own company and do it, other than that, don't say anything. REMEMBER: Most companies hire you as a contractor, if you are sent home, you won't be paid. BA/PM positions are some of the best non-experienced paying jobs out there and the market is very competitive.
I hope this helps you on your way to becoming a good Brand Ambassador/ Promotional Model.